Dezordi, Evandro LuisGracioli, Juliano2024-02-272024-02-272020 research aims to analyze the phase in the bidding process, where the description of the object to be bid and its consequences for the Public Administration is made, as well as to present a general concept of the bidding, listing the difficulties encountered by the public agent during of the attribution, in the bidding phase and in the description of the object, analyzing the difficulties of the private companies in participating in the bidding process when there is no complete specification of the bid item, presenting the benefits and losses caused by the Public Administration when not observing the description of the object to be be bid. Subdivided into three chapters, it will describe in the first chapter about the concepts, purposes, types, modalities (invitation, price taking, competition, tender, auction and auction), procedures, internal and external phases of public tenders. Then, the basic principles of bidding will be presented, such as: principle of equality, legality, impersonality, morality of probity, publicity, binding to the bidding instrument, objective judgment, compulsory awarding, broad defense and sustainable bidding. Finally, we will discuss the definition of the bid object and its importance in bidding processes, the competencies to define the object, the needs of that perfect definition, its specifications that restrict competitiveness or direct the bid and the possibility of request of product samples in bids. Bibliographic research was used as the research technique, as the inductive method approach and the analytical-descriptive method as a procedure. The main result being the importance in the organization and transparency of a public bidding process so that its results can be favorable both for Public Administration and for privateção públicaLicitaçãoA importância da perfeita definição do objeto nas licitações públicasTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso