Baratieri, Cássio LucianoMorgan, Vítor Antônio2024-01-162024-01-162022 work proposes the study and design of a platform for monitoring the flow of seeds and fertilizer in grain seeder. Considering the great variety of crops grown in Brazil, as well as the significant volume produced annually, it is important to develop technologies for the agricultural branch, seeking the expasion and optimization of production. The background and contextualization were performed base on information from sensors available in the market to meet this demand. The study aims to develop a system that allows the tractor operator to visualize whether the seeds and fertilizer are moving in the conduits towards the soil in real time during planting with the seeder. Based on the literature and on bench tests, the optical principle was used for sensing both the fertilizer and the seeds. A module was built to precess the signals from the sensors using the ATM2560 microcontroller. An inductive sensor was attached to this microcontroller in order to calculate the speed of the seeding machine based on the complete rotation of its tire. The data is sent via bluetooth communication to an ESP32 using an HC-06 module. The ESP32 board, mentioned above, is part of a human-machine interface (HMI), installed in the tractor. It allows the tractor operator to visualize the operation parameters. The field tests confimed the functionality of the bluetooth connection, making it unnecessary to use wires between the seeding and the tractor. It was possible to verify that the speed calculation based on the inductive sensor signal is efficient. As for the seed and fertilizer sensors, these didi not account for all the seeds and fertilizer that passed through the ducts. This leads to a re-evaluation of the physical part of the sensors and the software part of the signal processor module. However, it was possible to visualize the functionality of the optical principle for sensing. Finally, it was found that it is possible to develop a more acessible system compared to those already on the market, allowing these technologies to be closer to the small ElétricaMonitoramentoSemeadoraSistema supervisório para monitoramento no plantio de culturas agrícolasTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso