Carneiro, Alessandra SuptitzCasagrande, Camille Castilhos2025-02-252024 is a global demographic shift due to the lower birth rate and high longevity, which is resulting in a significant increase in the elderly population. To this end, it is essential to provide adequate care for the elderly, whether in their homes or in Long-Stay Institutions for the Elderly (LTIEs). Among the care actions, nursing must consider, above all, the problems that most affect the elderly, such as Pressure Injury (PI), which mainly affects elderly people restricted to bed. It is therefore understood that preventing PI is extremely important in the context of ILPI. Objective: To understand the strategies adopted by the nursing team to prevent PI in elderly people living in an ILPI. Method: A descriptive and exploratory study was carried out with the nursing team of an ILPI. Data was collected through semistructured face-to-face interviews, guided by a script prepared by the author. The data was analyzed using Bardin's Content Analysis. The ethical precepts established by Resolution 466/12 of the National Health Council were respected. Results: The results obtained during the research show that nursing care in relation to LPP in the elderly in ILPI focuses mainly on prevention through continuous skin assessment, adequate mobilization and hydration, as well as the use of specialized surfaces for pressure relief. The systematic practice of these interventions contributes to reducing the incidence and severity of injuries, promoting a better quality of life for residents. Final considerations: Nursing care aimed at preventing and managing pressure injuries in elderly people in LTCIEs is essential for promoting the health and well-being of residents. In this way, this study contributes by emphasizing the importance of systematic and personalized practices for improving the quality of care and reducing the risks of these geriátricaSaúde do idosoEstratégias adotadas pela enfermagem na prevenção de lesão por pressão em uma instituição de longa permanência para idososTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso