Esposito, Luís AlbertoSirena, Janaína2024-03-042024-03-042020 present monographic work analyzed the occupational safety and health (OSH), being an object of great relevance, due to the excessive cost in the financial sector, in social and also for workers who suffer aggravating risks to their health in the work activities performed. The OSH has wide scope and discipline in labor law, through precepts of Consolidation of Labor Laws – CLT and Regulatory Standards, established by the Ministry of Labor, among other legal devices. However, the public sector has countless activities that result in health risks and the physical integrity of your servers and OSH is silent on the legislation in this sector. As, under the celetist regime, the regulation of the topic is broad, in the statutory regime the theme has only treatment of occupational additional, ignoring important programs and measures that the celetist regime has. Thus, the objective is to raise alternatives for correct legislative omission and and regulation on safety and occupational health in the statutory regime. The research method was inductive, with bibliographic research technique and documentary, as well as jurisprudential trabalhistaRegime celetistaA omissão do Estado na regulamentação de atividades insalubres, perigosas ou penosas garantidas na Constituição FederalTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso