Albuquerque, Simone Gasperin deGrando, Albert Tiago2024-02-272024-02-272020 and globalization have triggered several changes in several aspects. With regard to contracts for the purchase and sale of real estate, before the verbal agreement had effective validity, however, this reality was no longer absolute over time. Verbal negotiations started to be transformed into written words, in order to ensure their validity. Therefore, the objective of this work is to report the obligations, the requirements to the validity, the forms of breaking the contract of commitment of purchase and sale of real estate, as well as its execution. This is a bibliographic and documentary research, descriptive analytics, which encompasses the various points about the purchase and sale of real estate contracts such as: concept, historical evolution, principles and validity requirements, in addition to default. It was concluded that the purchase and sale contracts have evolved considerably over time, that the obligations of buyer and seller must be fulfilled for the correct execution of the contract and that the validity of the contract is only ensured after the transcription of the asset in the registry of real estate. With regard to default, the consequences range from the loss of the immovable property, to possible indemnity or delay in imóvelRegistroContratos de compra e venda de bens imóveis: uma análise do Código Civil Brasileiro de 2002Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso