Sartori, Giana Lisa ZanardoFialcoff, Priscila2024-03-042024-03-042021 by the fights of the social and intersex movements, the debates about the subject of intersexuality, until then kept in the shadows, are no longer exclusive to the field of medical sciences and have demanded urgent responses from the legal system. In this context, the present monographic work deals with the civil registration of people in a situation of intersexuality in the light of the fundamental rights, aiming to analyze the difficulties and legal impasses faced by intersexual people and their families when confronted with the mandatory definition of a binary sex for the civil registration of newborns, as well as to find possible legal solutions to guarantee, at least in a minimal way, the fundamental right to birth registration and other identification documents consistent with their sexual identity. It starts with the study of the fundamental rights of personality, through a brief historical analysis, conceptualization, study of the legal nature and main characteristics. Then, the matters and differences of sex, gender identity and sexual orientation are analyzed, entering, afterwards, into the study of the notions of intersexuality, conceptualization, main difficulties and regulation around the world. Finally, the study presents possible legal solutions capable of solving, although palliatively, the difficulties and legal impasses faced by people in situations of intersexuality. To accomplish what was proposed in this research, the approach used was inductive, with bibliographical, doctrinaire, jurisprudential and legislative research, and the analytical-descriptive method of procedure was da personalidadeRegistro civilDireitos fundamentais: o registro civil de pessoas em situação de intersexualidadeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso