Sartori, Giana Lisa ZanardoPandolfo, Neiwton Fabio2024-03-042024-03-042021 central theme involves the field of bioethics, which is extremely important for the social environment, especially for human life. The discussion on the topic "euthanasia" is controversial because it is a complex solution. Throughout his career, the doctor may face some incidents, having to choose between conflicting legal rights, such as the right to life, the right to liberty and the right to health. Therefore, the dilemma that arises is witness to the suffering of a person, who must decide between the right to life or death with dignity. As it deals with the fields of medicine, ethics and law, this monograph analyzes the legal implications of this practice and what position should be taken in this situation, especially for physicians. This is a qualitative study using deductive methods. The reflection begins with the definition of the institution of euthanasia, from its historical evolution to the recognized species that helps a dignified death. It then analyzes obstacles in the legal field, such as elements related to the constitution - the right to life, the right to liberty, autonomy of will, the dignity of the person - criminal law and civil law, and then the arguments about the constitution. And it opposes the practice of euthanasia, and in areas related to the human sciences, such as medicine and law (bioethics), in addition to religious views, its guiding principles are also introduced. Finally, the position of the Federal Supreme Court on euthanasia, and a brief statement regarding the latest decisions on the subject in Spain andásiaMorte dignaSuicídioA possibilidade jurídica da eutanásia no direito brasileiroTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso