Dezordi, Evandro LuisSantin, Milena Carla Cominetti2024-03-042024-03-042020 present monographic work seeks first, to look deeply into the approach and analysis of the main administrative principles, showing its fundamental importance in the performance of public agents, serving as a weapon to prevent abuses or violations from being committed by them. Soon after, we seek to list the powers that make up Public Administration, as well as its functionalities and structures, highlighting among them and taking as the focus of this study - the Power of Administrative Police, considered a privilege of Public Administration in the discipline and restriction of private practices, by limiting their rights and freedoms, in favor of the public interest, proceeding with due observance of the fundamental principles of the supremacy of the public interest over the private, legality and in the light of the dictates of the Federal Constitution. That said, it will have as its object of study doctrinal knowledge, as well as national legislation, in addition to being considered important on the subject, allowing to analyze the characteristics, performance and legal limits imposed on this power. To answer the simple questions: is it a discretionary or linked power? Could you commit abuse of power? In what situations does it go from discretionary to arbitrary? And, what happens to the collective right if their satisfaction does not come to fruition? In view of this, it is intended to seek to identify possible abuses or excesses of power to which the administrative agents in the exercise of their duties are subjected, limiting themselves to the use of proportionality to contain such abusive practices. It turns out, that such power needs to go in line with the principle of proportionality, under penalty of deviation and the non-fulfillment of collective interests. It appears that the police power does suffer limitations with regard to its object or means of action. It is for this reason that, due to the applicability of the administrative principle of proportionality, which starts from the means to the ends, showing that the police power has no need to go beyond what is essential to the achievement and reach of the public purpose, which aims to protect. The research method was inductive, analytical-descriptive, using the technique of bibliographic de poderPoder de políciaA proporcionalidade e o abuso de poder no exercício do poder de polícia administrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso