Bordignon, SérgioBalestrin, Rudinei Cesar2025-03-102024 work proposes, in a practical way, to present a luminescence solution for a private place, specifically the parking lot of a shopping mall, which presents outdated and even obsolete technology by current standards. As a methodology, it was initially opted for the bibliographic review, addressing projects proposed by recognized authors that deal with the area of lighting, as well as the current regulations that guide and offer legal credibility to the study. In a second stage, the proposal was carried out, and an on-site survey was carried out of all variables, arising and inherent, which can change and burden the costs of technical improvement. An initial measurement in lux of the study site was performed based on the measurement assumptions presented in the literature, and the point-by-point method was selected for this measurement, which was performed and proven by mathematical means. Based on the measurement, new light scenarios were simulated with some brands and models After defining the brand, the purchase was made and financial analysis of payback and return on investment was carried out. After the replacement, as a result, the effectiveness of the project was observed with the final measurement evidencing energy gain and adequacy of the regulations. It is concluded, therefore, that the project was successful and resulted in a significant improvement in the luminosity of the place, even offering visual ElétricaIluminaçãoNormativaSimulaçãoAnálise e reformulação da iluminação situada no estacionamento de um shopping na cidade de Erechim no norte do estado do Rio Grande do SulTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso