Reis, Camila Sampaio dosRiedel, Natanael Felipe Krebs2022-02-012022-02-012020 work presents the development of an assistance robot with the objective of promoting greater social interaction among children. To contextualize the theme, a literature review was carried out, seeking to find possible solutions for the proposed approach. Available educational technologies, teaching methodologies and forms of learning were identified, highlighting the role-playing game (RPG) as a teaching tool. At the same time, the possible activities and reproduction of effects to be implemented in the robot were defined. For modeling the physical components of the robot, the Autodesk Inventor software was used and to perform the integration of RPG, teaching and monitoring methodologies, the Roll20 online software was used, which is responsible for the functions of the interactive table, executed through a Raspberry Pi. Then the robot with all its components was assembled in practice and the necessary tests were carried out, both for the individual components and for their interaction together. In general, the results are divided. The practical implementation of the mobile part of the robot, which includes the arms and head, did not meet the initial expectations due to the failure of some components. However, the software part of the RPG table, encompassing all the lighting and environmental monitoring, together with the story presentation software, exceeded the initial expectation, giving the robot structure a friendly and inspiring aspect, as well as the implemented methodological proposal will provide the desired interaction between ElétricaMesa interativaRobô assistencialDesenvolvimento de uma mesa interativa de RPG utilizando robótica assistencialTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso