Steffens, ClariceOstrowski, Greice Maria2021-02-242021-02-242020 is classified as a heavy metal, and because it is bioaccumulative in nature it can cause major problems for human health and also for the environment. No article was applied to atomic absorption spectrometry to detect cadmium in river water bottles collected in the industrial area of Erechim-RS. The parameters specified for conductivity, turbidity and pH are included within the values allowed by CONAMA Resolution No. 357 of 2005, but the results obtained for dissolved oxygen (OD) and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) demonstrate what the river contains low oxygen values and high biochemical oxygen demand. The results obtained did not demonstrate the presence of Cd in the freshwater river, as the concentration of these elements is below the detection limit of the analysis, but it was possible to detect the presence and quantify other minerals, such as K, Mg and Na, which high. The physicalchemical analyzes allowed to analyze the degree of pollution and the capacity for selfpurification of water in the QuímicaCádmioPoluiçãoÁgua de rioAnálises físico-químicas em amostras de água em áreas industriais do município de Erechim-RSTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso