Biasus, Alessandra ReginaBianchi, Vitória Stumpf2024-03-072024-03-072022 society advances, a considerably greater need is perceived to seek the Judiciary for the appreciation of the most varied issues. With this, the Judiciary began to face a crisis, being increasingly crowded. The need for alternative mechanisms that contribute to solving these problems was found in Notarial Law, one of the main steps to solve these problems took place through Law No. obligations provided for by law, allowing the parties not to seek the Judiciary to resolve issues in which everyone is of age, capable and in agreement, contributing in a broad way to the de-judicialization of numerous legal issues. In view of the constitutional principle of reasonable duration of proceedings and celerity, such an advent has become of paramount importance for the depressurization of the volume of cases in the Judiciary. To carry out the research, the technique of bibliographic and documental research was used through the inductive judiciárioDireito notarialDesjudicializaçãoInventários e divórcios extrajudiciais: a efetivação da desjudicialização no município de Erechim-RSTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso