Reis, Camila Sampaio dosZazeka, Fernando Everson2022-02-012022-02-012021 present work addressed the development of a portable system for data management in the prevention and management of Covid-19, which included monitoring fever in the frontal region of the face and the use of alcohol gel to prevent the spread of the virus, to this considering the development of a website. The bibliographical review made it possible to know about several aspects related to Covid-19, such as its appearance, main symptoms and forms of prevention. For the development of the electronic product, the MLX90614 DCI sensor was considered for temperature monitoring, the GM67 sensor used as a barcode and Qr code reader, and the LM393 sensor to detect the proximity of objects, which underwent tests, adjustments and calibration. . AutoCAD 3D software was used to design the development of the physical structure of the prototype and Adobe Photoshop software to produce images for the frames that are displayed on the TFT Nextion screen, indicating the use of the electronic product. The final product proposal consisted of a structure developed with polypropylene material and wood, easy to clean, with an intuitive interface, with a logical sequence of operations presented on the TFT Nextion screen attached to the product. The system developed also included the development of a website, in which managers will have full control of the information obtained during the use of the electronic product, namely: the user's name, the measured temperature, whether they used alcohol in gel or not, and the date of use. The information is presented in real time on the website page developed using PHP, HTML and CSS, which presents trend graphs, reports containing pre-defined histories, as well as screens related to users who had temperatures above 37.4°C. The work proved to be extremely relevant, given the period of the pandemic, where it is necessary to quickly and effectively identify possible users contaminated with ElétricaCoronavírusDispositivos eletrônicosDesenvolvimento de um dispositivo portátil para gerenciamento de dados na prevenção e gestão da COVID-19Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso