Baratieri, Cássio LucianoAssunção, Anderson Parisotto2022-02-012022-02-012021 paper discusses the development of an automated system for an aviary, in order to control the temperature and humidity, linking the data collection to store in a cloud. Initially, the theoretical framework sought to understand the work environment, aiming to have the thermal comfort of the birds, for this, it was possible to analyze the changes in temperature and humidity according to the age of the animal, thus it is possible to avoid the bird's thermal stress. For the development of the work, the use of the DHT22 sensor was considered, for the reading of temperature and humidity, along with the ESP32 microcontroller. The use of AutoCad software was necessary to develop the ground plan, along with the control panel interface, the latter was also proposed as a 3D drawing on the Tinkercad platform. The bench tests showed results meeting the proposed specifications. With the tests finalized, it was possible to make the printed circuit board, already in this mode the system can count on the Internet connection, along with the creation of a database on the MySQL platform. Next, the direction of the proposal was the creation of a website to show the collected information. After this, it was possible to assemble the physical structure of the aviary, along with the control panel. Thus, the prototype presented a different dynamic in relation to the chicken's breeding, because it was possible to confirm all the research done, where it was noted that the chicken being in its thermal comfort, will consequently produce more. It is also important to emphasize that automation reduces the work in poultry houses, where it is very demanding and requires great ElétricaAviárioConforto térmicoControle de temperatura e umidadeAutomação de aviário baseado em internet das coisasTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso