Baratieri, Cássio LucianoRosa, Jean Carlos Dalla2024-01-162024-01-162022 project deals with the application of the Maintenance 4.0 concept, directly related to Industry 4.0, which is being carried out in the maintenance sector in a printing industry located in the Alto Uruguai region, whose purpose is to improve maintenance processes, reducing time run time and inventory cost. A printed circuit board was developed to acquire data from the machine and an embedded system was developed using the ESP32 microcontroller to monitor temperature and control preventive maintenance, issuing warnings and messages on the display of an HMI (man-machine interface). In order for the PCM (Maintenance Planning and Control) to have more assertiveness in decisions, in addition to the warnings in an HMI, a transmission of information to the industry database was carried out through WiFi communication. The implementation of the system took place on a finishing machine and served as a pilot for it to be continued on other machines. Finally, the results showed that the communication between the server and the ESP32 was essential to obtain information quickly, not requiring on-site data collection, thus allowing continuity in expanding the maintenance control ElétricaIndústria 4.0Manutenção 4.0Manutenção preventivaMonitoramento de manutenção preventiva e rastreabilidade de componentes com microcontroladorTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso