Giacomazzi, Viviane BortoliniSoares, Jhenifer Betto2024-03-072024-03-072022 paper intends to analyze and describe Structural Racism, as part of the Brazilian law and justice system, in the molds of racial discrimination. Its objective is to discuss structural racism within Brazilian justice in order to identify a way to combat it based on the application of law as a tool present within Brazilian society, since even though institutional actions sometimes fail, individuals who commit racism must be held accountable and the dismantling of racial discrimination must also happen. To this end, an analysis was made of the entire structure of society based on racial discrimination, from its roots both in history and in legislation. The Brazilian prison system and its legal organization was analyzed, since the majority of the prison population in Brazil is composed of black people. The influence of structural racism in Brazilian justice was demonstrated. However, it can be fought, based on legislation and jurisdictional criteria, within the circumstances in which society and the legal environment currently find themselves. The methodology used in the research was the consultation of bibliographies, doctrines, legal provisions, analyzing documents and exhibitions on the theme, as well as the use of the analytical and descriptive racismo estrutural e as instituições jurídicas brasileirasTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso