Souza, Júnior Luiz deMarca, Dayana Debora Kiernieff Pereira2021-04-122021-04-122019 article aimed to conduct a bibliometric research in the field of research production in management by competence in education. It was intended to make a data collection and respect the useful management to the faculty within the schools. The initial idea was to find out whether schools have been working in an organized and strategic manner or developing skills in their teacher groups and whether there is a management of this process. As the findings were surprising, a number of researches and productions in this area were not found, demonstrating that the management and the professional accompaniment of education by its educational institutions did not suffer, or even, that it was not object of study, analysis andçãoGestão por competênciasEducaçãoCorpo docenteGestão por competências na educação: um estudo bibliométricoManagement by competence in education: a bibliometric studyArtigo Científico