Grendene, RobertaConte, Tainara2021-08-162021-08-162021 history of a place is related to what was present in the collective imagination and which can be told about a certain place. Regarding the cultural heritage applied in buildings - whether they are listed or not - they make possible the notorious perception of the evolution of society and, therefore, it has immeasurable value culturally, transmitting the legacy built over and over the generations. The logo, interventions and requalifications must maintain the atmosphere and character of the pre-existing historical editions, with the intention of proportioning new spaces suitable to the new needs of contemporary life. The municipality of Jacutinga / RS has properties with Art Deco and colonial architectural styles, lacking maintenance, many in ruins, showing a disregard for the community and the historical cultural importance of the municipality. Thus, an urgent proposal for the valorization of existing buildings is necessary, making the community aware of the importance of preserving the cultural heritage built in Jacutinga. Thus, a bibliographic review addresses aspects related to material and immaterial cultural heritage, intervention in molecular pre-existence and requalification, and the relationship between architecture and commercial environments, whether they are pubs, grocery stores or multipurpose and gastronomic spaces. The methodology addresses the characteristics of the municipality of Jacutinga, and at the end, analyzes of studies were carried out in order to elaborate a proposal for requalification of pre-existing building for the same, valuing the activity currently offered in the building, allied with the reaffirmation of the history of the meeting among people, preserving and strengthening an existing culture in this place, so that an adult and elderly population can enjoy new environments, with multiple and specific e UrbanismoPatrimônio culturalArquitetura comercialCentro de Valorização Cultural: requalificação de edificação preexistente em Jacutinga-RSTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso