Mignoni, AndréaRacoski, Héctor Carlos2024-02-272024-02-272020https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/500Consumer relations are driven by advertising, in this context, the aim is to verify the impact of misleading advertising on the community, as well as the corresponding duty to indemnify, on the occasion of misleading advertising. The figure of misleading advertising arises when there is an untrue statement or omission of information with the intention of promoting a product or service for commercialization. In view of this, the community is largely impacted by the effects of deceptive advertising, the potential for deceit being sufficient. In order to protect the consumer, some principles must be observed, such as transparency, non-abuse and veracity. However, they and the other legal provisions are not always duly respected. Thus, counter-advertising and collective moral damage are means of remedying the damage to the rights caused by misleading advertising. For that, it was used the technique of bibliographic and documentary research, through consultation in books, periodicals, jurisprudence and legislation; the method of inductive approach and the method of analytical-descriptive procedure.pt-BRDireitoPublicidade enganosaDano moralPublicidade enganosa: repercussão na coletividade e dever de indenizarTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso