Zakrzevski, Cláudio AugustoBareta, Giulia Rodrigues2021-02-242021-02-242020 of people have certainly heard of Marie Sklodowska Curie, the most important scientist woman. But what people don’t know about her is the great contribution she has given the world until the actual days. Besides the Physics Nobel Prize, she won for the discovery of radioactivity, which was shared with Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel, Marie has also won the Chemistry Nobel Prize for the discovery of the polonium and radium elements. Such discoveries were made under lots of study and dedication, and although she had inappropriate tools, she made very powerful discoveries. Curie was an example of a woman to be followed because of her contribution to science. She was a very important figure in the human development field, when she equipped cars with x-ray machines and trained professionals to operate them. Her scientific legacy was of great importance to the world. Thus, her scientific background inspired women to pursue the same ideas which were exclusively followed by QuímicaRadioatividadeNovos elementosPrêmio NobelFigura feminina nos primórdios da física nuclear: a contribuição de Marie Sklodowska CurieTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso