Biasus, Alessandra ReginaRambo, Renata Bohrer2024-03-042024-03-042020 monographic work analyzed the consequences of violating women's sexual and reproductive rights during the practice of episiotomy. Initially, a historical approach was made about fundamental rights and their origin, highlighting their difficulty in being inserted into the common environment, which was only successful with the advancement of humanity in society. However, in past centuries women were not equated to men in obtaining these rights. Over the years, women have started to seek equality to men, especially with regard to sexual and reproductive rights, which are part of human rights. However, these women's rights aren’t still achieved, since they do not have complete freedom and autonomy to decide on what will affect their body integrity, especially with regard to obstetric violence, which is considered as a type of gender violence, generally arising from the domination of men and the submission of women. Among the procedures performed at the time of giving birth, there is an incision in the woman's perineum, which is called an episiotomy, which aims to increase the vaginal canal for the baby to pass. It turns out that episiotomy is indicated only in a few cases, but it ended up becoming a common practice, often performed without consent and, also, the pregnant woman's knowledge. The performance of the procedure in cases where it is not indicated ends up generating several consequences for women, which are addressed in this work. The research method was inductive, analytical-descriptive, using the technique of bibliographic and documentary fundamentaisViolência obstétricaViolência de gêneroEpisiotomiaA mutilação feminina durante a episiotomia: as consequências da violação dos direitos sexuais e reprodutivos das mulheresTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso