Biasus, FelipeMagnan, Gabrielle2021-04-092021-04-092018 exploratory and hermeneutical study aimed to analyze the concept of asylum logic, investigating whether, in any way, the actions offered by the open mental health services in Brazil still reproduce this form of care, even after achievements in the area in recent decades. In order to do so, we describe the advances and setbacks of the Antimanicomial Struggle and the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform, in order to identify, at present, which assistance practices still replicate this obsolete and ineffective model, pointing out the possible challenges for overcoming it. The methodology used was the bibliographical survey, in the databases Lilacs, Scielo and Portal de Periodical Capes, of articles published in Portuguese, in the last 5 (five) years. Through the compilation of the obtained data, as results, it was verified that the 'special circuit' where the subject in psychic suffering can transit increased in the last years, however, its social reinsertion, in fact, has not yet been possible, because its freedom it remains reduced to the few places that 'accept' it. This is due, in particular, to the political and economic (dis)interests, (dis)interest and manner of action of professionals and managers, as well as the difficulties in consolidating the Care Networks, especially Psychosocial, which contribute, alive 'the insane asylum in us', which insists on annihilating existences and producing social relations that do not supportúde mentalServiços de saúde mentalPolíticas públicas de saúdeO manicômio em nós: desafios para a consolidação da reforma psiquiátrica brasileiraTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso