Santos, Luciano Alves dosPiran, Samara Maria2021-04-122021-04-122018 purpose of this article is to emphasize the major difficulties and the main factors that interfere in the inclusion of people with special needs in the labor market and to be part of the staff in an organization. The research methodology consists of a retrospective, descriptive and qualitative study, based on an exploratory bibliography review. The issue is justified by the fact that there are a large number of people with special needs who do not yet have their place in the job market and companies have vacancies that must be filled according to Law 8213/91. Translating this in numbers, there are about 45 million people who have some kind of disability, and only 403. 255 people are employed, that is, less than 1% of them have formal employment relationships. In spite of all the theoretical foundations, it has been verified that, despite the laws and decrees, much must be done to reduce the barriers between people with special needs and unprejudiced living in the society that surrounds them. There is also no reason to privilege a person with special needs or even exclude it from the business environment, simply because it is different, but rather, give equal opportunities and space so that it can assume responsibilities and challenges, such as a person considered normal. It is concluded that, currently, the number of opportunities and incentives for people with special needs has increased, but there are still many gaps, prejudices and demands imposed by organizations and society to be overcome until they enter the laborçãoMercado de trabalhoPessoas com deficiênciaInclusão socialDificuldades e fatores que interferem na inclusão de pessoas com deficiência no mercado de trabalho no BrasilArtigo Científico