Biasus, Alessandra ReginaJesus, Patrícia Preczevski de2024-03-042024-03-042021 information is one of the most precious assets there is, and the way of dealing with it has caused major transformations globally. Companies are increasingly seeking information and personal data to prospect new business and reach customers in the best way, and customers, in the other hand, are increasingly seeking to understand what will be done with the data they provide, which led Brazil to create specific legislation for the handling of personal data. In this way, it was proposed and studied what is the actual applicability of the General Law of Data Protection and what effects it will have on the consumer market nowadays. It was assumed that it is a new legislation that will directly impact individuals and companies that collect and process data, affecting the most diversified sectors and services; however, it is needed to verify its applicability and the effects it will cause. In alignment with the research problem and hypothesis, the general goal is to analyze the applicability and effects of the General Law of Data Protection in the consumer market in modern times. Then, the specific goals propose to: comprehend the evolution of personal data protection in the global context; study the Brazilian General Law of Data Protection and verify its applicability; analyze the effects that will be caused by the LGPD. Therefore, in order to fulfill what was proposed in this research, the method used was inductive, with bibliographic, monographic, doctrinal and legislative research. The result of the research indicates that personal data is indeed our new oil, and will be increasingly demanded, the establishment of this legislation was necessary and will be applied in the most various situations in which the use, treatment, or sharing of data occurs. In addition, the biggest impact is on the companies, which will have to go through a long adaptation process, adopting good governance practices and changing some behaviors in order to comply with the geral de proteção de dadosLGPDProteção de dadosEfeitos da lei geral de proteção de dados no mercado de consumoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso