Biasus, Alessandra ReginaMenta, Yuri Ricardo2024-03-042024-03-042021 keep themselves operating due to business relations made by citizens, allowing the gears which move a civilization working. However, quarrels caused by these relations happen frequently, for several reasons. Considering the large amount of controversies, the Judiciary Branch is overwhelmed, causing slowness in problem solving, bringing discontent, requiring alternate means to solve issues in due time. Considering the previous statement, we have the notary publics and registry offices. Lies within the jurisdiction of the notaries and registries the duty of being a different route to people that wish to see their problems solved, allowing for a quicker and less costly solution, as well as aiding the Judiciary Branch with its overwhelming number of processes. Through doctrinal research, the aiding provided by the notary publics and registry offices to the Judiciary Branch was analyzed. Therefore, the study is developed using the inductive method, through the technique of bibliographic and documentary atividade cartorária extrajudicial: mecanismo de acesso à justiçaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso