Langoski, Leandro MarcioKrause, Angélica2021-04-122021-04-122018 present study aims to identify and analyze the academic production on the theme "People Management in Cooperatives" in the last 8 years. The methodological procedure used was the bibliographical research. For this, articles were searched through Portal Spell, Periódicos Capes, Periódicos da Anpad, Periódicos da UFSM, Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações – BDTD. From the analysis of the data, it can be verified a shortage in publications dealing with People Management in cooperative sectors in a singular way, worth highlighting a growing number of publications in recent years, which may demonstrate greater interest in the subject. The Corporate Education was the line of greatest comprehension within the researched works, with emphasis on the cooperative culture. Through the conclusion that the work leaves the cooperative as a background in research in People Management, it reinforces the inference of a traditional view of GP used indiscriminately in capitalist and cooperative organizations, without a concern for itsçãoGestão de pessoasCooperativasGestão de pessoas em cooperativas: uma revisão da literaturaManagement of people in cooperatives: a review of the literatureArtigo Científico