Bordignon, SérgioSouza, Guilherme Arpini2024-01-162024-01-162022 bibliographic qualitative work sought to verify the technical and financial viability of a photovoltaic plant with shared generation in the north of Rio Grande do Sul, allowing the sharing of electricity between consumers who are in the same permission or concession area, through a cooperative created among residents of a vertical residential condominium. From this perspective, a more detailed analysis of the incident solar irradiation in the region was chosen, where it was possible to verify the estimate of energy generation. In this way, it was possible to dimension a photovoltaic system to meet the demands of consumers, verifying the technical and economic viability of a photovoltaic plant through the shared generation ElétricaEnergia solar fotovoltaicaGeração compartilhadaGeração energia elétricaAnálise de viabilidade técnica e financeira de implementação de uma usina fotovoltaica na modalidade geração compartilhada para um condomínio em Erechim-RSTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso