Ceni, Caroline Isabela CapelessoBagatini, Carine Zanin2024-03-072024-03-072022https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/595The present work deals with affective sponsorship as a way of guaranteeing family coexistence for institutionalized children and adolescents. It uses the inductive method, by means of bibliographic and documental research techniques. The work aimed to analyze how the application of affective placement projects has occurred in Brazil and if this is an effective way to achieve its objectives. Initially, the historical evolution of the rights of children and adolescents was analyzed, noting the treatment given to them during the European expansionism and the rights granted before and after the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988. Later, the importance of family life for the full development of children and youth was discussed, as well as the functioning of institutional and family foster care and the creation of affective sponsorship with the intention of alleviating the suffering of those who have been taken in as a result of being away from their families. Finally, from this study, data on foster care in Brazil was added to illustrate the importance that the program of Foster Care can have for the fostered youth. The research confirmed that in places where it is in full operation, the programs have provided great benefits to those involved. This is due to positive family and leisure experiences, closer ties between those involved, which helps them get through the institutional phase of foster care in the best way possible and, in some cases, can awaken an interest in sponsors to become their substitute family.pt-BRDireitoApadrinhamento afetivoDireito da criança e do adolescenteApadrinhamento afetivo: garantia da convivência familiar de crianças e adolescentes institucionalizadosTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso