Esposito, Luís AlbertoMariga, Francieli2024-02-272024-02-272020 present term paper has as primordial objective to analyze the legal challenges of outsourcing after the labor reform and aims to explain the its challenges before the legal limits and the new interpretations given in the decisions of the Courts after the respective reform. Outsourcing is a theme of the Labor Law widely discussed in the economical, political, social and, mainly, legal aspects, in many different sectors and knowledge areas. In Brazil, the changes which the labor reform of 2017 brought in the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) of 1943 are under debate. Outsourcing configures a trilateral relationship between the service provider, the intermediary company and the outsourced worker, allowing one company to transfer the responsibility of fulfilling the activity to another company. This kind of hiring provides a bigger flexibility in contracts and favors the organization of the company work, enabling that it can seek solutions and technological strategies, beyond the cost reduction and setting deadlines. However, the decisions made by STF and TST have changed the interpretation and the application of the outsourcing standards. Equally, the law has enabled unrestricted outsourcing, causing divergences in doctrine and decisions due to the fact that this model has aspects that are considered to cause the precariousness of the provided service, without mentioning the inequalities that can arise between the workers of given company and the outsourced worker. This paper was carried out by the methodological path, following the inductive and analytical-descriptive method under the bias of bibliographic and documentary do trabalhoReforma trabalhistaOs desafios jurídicos da terceirização após a reforma trabalhistaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso