Zanatta, Diana CasarinVanzo, Antônio Henrique Rogelin2024-03-072024-03-072022 present study, which uses bibliographic research as a methodology, seeks to establish an analysis of the changes arising from the Law on Heinous Crimes, Law No., which established changes in criminal law and criminal procedure. The main objective of the research is to understand what were the legislative changes and what legal impacts could already be perceived, since the advent of the Law, on January 23, 2020. To this end, the study is divided into three chapters. First, a historical retrospective about the law of heinous crimes is established. In the sequence, the changes arising in the law of heinous crimes from the anti-crime law are observed. Finally, a critical analysis is made about the impacts generated in the penal system and penal procedure, from the verified changes. The topic is relevant and has been the subject of numerous debates, with those who defend the changes and, at the same time, who criticize them, in such a way that the research is justified, to contribute to such an important debate, since the Law of Heinous Crimes has the role of offering society a more energetic regulation for the punishment of criminals who practice behaviors considered as the most serious in the Brazilian criminal legal anticrimeDireito penalA lei dos crimes hediondos e as alterações advindas pela lei anticrimeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso