Seminotti, Malomar AlexFollador, Igor Dallazen2024-02-022024-02-022023 work involves the development of a system integrated with smartwatches to monitor and evaluate people who practice sports. The objective is to enable the sharing of health data between users and professionals. Smartwatches, equipped with sensors, constantly collect information, allowing for more precise and individualized monitoring. The application will provide reports to healthcare professionals with relevant information for prescribing more effective training and eating plans. The use of wearable technologies in conjunction with web applications has the potential to improve care for patients, especially those with a family history of heart disease, smokers and obeseência da ComputaçãoAplicativo - saúdeWearable - esportesDesenvolvimento de um sistema integrado a smartwatches para acompanhamento de usuários com práticas esportivasTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso