Leitzke, Maura da SilvaPoersch, Leonardo Bernardi2024-03-182024-03-182023https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/666The theme presents the relationship between the principle of the dignity of the human person and the brazilian penitentiary system and the non-observance of constitutional guarantees, the methodology of bibliographical research is used, especially with reference to reference works, electronic media and magazines. The objective is to demonstrate the bankruptcy of the brazillian penitentiary system, since daily practices in the prison environment and the application of criminal law sometimes imply a violation of the fundamental rights of the victims. The importance and the need to consider resocialization as a skillfull means of grieving can be accepted in society, and can provide service in a dignified manner, causing numerous positive effects in the human being who practices it, among them self-love, self-esteem, the pride of being productive and in return receiving reward, precisely so that the principle of the dignity of the human person is safeguarded.pt-BRDireitoSistema penitenciárioRessocializaçãoDignidade humanaO sistema penitenciário e a (in)efetividade do conceito de ressocialização do apenadoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso