Zaions, Ana Paula Demarco Resende EsmelindroGodoi, Ingrid Thalia2025-02-252024, a viral disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, represents a persistent challenge to public health on a global scale. Characterized by symptoms such as fever, muscle and joint pain, as well as potential severe complications, dengue requires comprehensive prevention and control approaches. The main objective of this study is to explore the factors associated with the delayed diagnosis and inadequate treatment of dengue in the literature, with a focus on primary healthcare and the importance of its role in improving health practices within the community. A total of 100 articles were identified, 15 of which were included in the study. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to select relevant studies on the topic. This review aimed to answer the guiding question of the study: What are the factors associated with delayed diagnosis and inadequate treatment of dengue in primary healthcare? The descriptors used in the PICo strategy were selected based on a search in DeCS (Health Sciences Descriptors). The main keywords and descriptors were: "Dengue," "Diagnosis," and "Primary Healthcare." The synonyms used included: "Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever" OR "Breakbone Fever" for dengue; "Delayed Diagnosis" OR "Early Diagnosis" OR "Inadequate Treatment" OR "Early Treatment" for diagnosis and treatment; and "Primary Health Care" OR "Primary Care" for primary healthcare. The Virtual Health Library (BVS) was the database chosen for the search, where 2,584 articles were found in the initial search. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined for the selection of the articles. Literature review articles, theses, dissertations, repeated articles, and those that did not address the guiding question of the study were excluded. Full and original articles in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, published between 2014 and 2024, and relevant to the topic, were included. The results found in the integrative review are classified by publication year, region of publication, study type, and level of evidence. The review also presents the factors associated with the delayed diagnosis and inadequate treatment of dengue. Based on the readings and reflections, the study concludes that the issue of delayed diagnosis and inadequate treatment of dengue highlights the challenges encountered in the identification and management of the disease, which are related to clinical, social, and educational factors. The lack of awareness about the symptoms contributes to delays in seeking care, emphasizing the need for effective educational campaigns. The role of nursing professionals is crucial, both in care and education, with ongoing training being essential. The study also points out that environmental factors, such as extreme weather events, influence the incidence of dengue, suggesting the integration of climate surveillance and public policies that involve education, environmental control, and professional training to ensure equitable access toúde públicaDiagnóstico tardioFatores associados ao diagnóstico tardio e tratamento inadequado da dengue: uma revisão integrativaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso