Dezordi, Evandro LuisBaioco, Elvis Aguiar2024-02-272024-02-272020 objective of this bibliographic research work is to demonstrate the evolution that the law of access to information has provided for the effectiveness of the advertising principle. It is known that there are innumerable principles that govern public administration, serving as a foundation for this branch of public law, therefore, it is necessary to understand the importance of each of them within the administrative structure, demonstrating the logical correlation between them all, after all, one does not stand out from the other. The advertising principle allowed, in the face of a scenario with many administrative frauds, the approval of the access to information law, which has become an important mechanism in the uncontrolled control of corruption, allowing the population in general to obtain information on the steps practiced by it , thus providing an inspectionção públicaLei de acesso à informaçãoA lei de acesso à informação como instrumento de efetivação do princípio da publicidadeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso