Ceni, Caroline Isabela CapelessoPozzebom, Karen Eduarda2024-03-072024-03-072022https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/612The present work aims to perform an analysis about the efficacy of the family constellation (as a method of systemic law) in the fight against domestic and family violence against women. It conducts a study on the evolution of women's rights and their social role in conjunction with the types of domestic and family violence suffered by women throughout history, analyzing the legal and legal mechanisms for the protection of women and their effectiveness in practice. In view of the ineffectiveness of women's protection methods, it is essential to use complementary means in an attempt to reduce the number of crimes committed against women at home and family. In this scenario, the family constellations used within the systemic law appear, aiming to give greater visibility to the parts of the conflicting relationship in an attempt to locate the origin of the conflict. The method used was the inductive, descriptive analytical, through the bibliographic and documentary technique.pt-BRDireitoDireito sistêmicoConstelação familiarViolência domésticaOrdenamento jurídicoConstelação familiar: um método do direito sistêmico no combate à violência doméstica e familiar contra a mulherTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso