Andreolla, Andrey HenriqueKossmann, Jéssica2024-03-042024-03-042020 work aims to analyze the actions taken by public agents and the possibility of the incidence of abuse of authority, as well as its effects. In this context, the historical digression of the crime of abuse of authority was analyzed, with verification of the responsibility of the State, as well as the incidence of the referred crime within a social and political approach of the Brazilian reality. For this, we used bibliographic research in books, articles, specialized magazines, academic works and websites, such as SciELO, Capes, among others, in addition to the doctrines and jurisprudence related to the theme. The deductive method was also used, which is based on general arguments to achieve specific thoughts. This method is based on deduction since there must be a logical relationship between the properties to validate the alternatives of analysis and conclusions. Thus, the research started with the choice of the theme in order to analyze it in all its aspects and discuss the acts practiced by public agents, with this dysfunction characterized as abuse of authority. In this sense, it is up to the authority to act within the limits of the law and if there are deviations in their conduct, there must be punishment and it is also up to society to know their rights in order to demand punishment, although it is rash to the operators of the Law to deal with terms and interpretative and abstract expressions, such as those provided for in the Law of Abuse of Authority, like those manifestly and exacerbately, among others that exist in the públicoAbuso de autoridadeAbuso de poderOs limites para a não incidência do crime de abuso de autoridade na legislação brasileiraTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso