Biasus, Alessandra ReginaTomielos, Alana Mathilde2024-03-072024-03-072022 paper aims to showcase the legal importance surrounding violence against children and adolescents in the domestic environment in Brazil. As it is the case with several women, children and adolescents frequently became victims of domestic violence, usually done by people of their family coexistence. Currently, ECA demands from the Brazilian State and from the society that no efforts shall be spared regarding actions to protect children and adolescents, aiming the creation, implementation, monitoring and controlling, with the goal of avoiding, notifying, intervening, diagnosing and solving cases of domestic violence against children and adolescents. This conception, as is regulated at ECA, understands that the child and the adolescent must be guarded by public policies of protection, as must their families; sparing no efforts in prioritizing their education and dignity towards the implementation of measures that may develop alongside the child and adolescent. Thus, this bibliographic and documental research achieved the requirements of primary and secondary documentary selection, complemented by books and academic papers, all explained and referred throughout this paper. However, the approach used in this study is the inductive method, with the project being based in the core issue: what are the causes of violence against children and adolescents and what is the importance of the protection network to lessen the consequences of thisência domésticaCriança e adolescenteViolência doméstica contra crianças e adolescentes: efetividade das medidas de proteção previstas no estatuto da criança e do adolescenteTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso