Santos, Luciano Alves dosPopiolski, Aline Secco2024-03-042024-03-042020 work has the objective of studying the migration of people caused by climate changes, environmental disasters, related to global warming as well, being these factors strongly related to the human action. This research has the worry about the comprehension of the causes leading to this exile. This way, the specific objectives consist in identify, characterize and denominate the environmental exiled and research the existent legislation about this kind of exiled regarding their protection. Moreover, being it a new topic, references about it are hard to find. However, in this work the deductive method, research in websites, academic papers, periodics, publications about the environmental exiled and refugees were used, as well as existent legislation on similar topics, conventions and treaties regarding environmental refugees, attempting to approach the environmental exiled to better study them. Being it a topic with various branches, in this article are cited data involving international law, environmental law, and human rights, given that it directly affects the human rights of a great number of people in the determined groups exposed to such critical problems of the present time. Thus, for the development of this work, the methodology of bibliographic and documental review, the inductive method of approach were used. The procedure method utilized was the ambientalDireitos humanosExilados ambientais: análise do reconhecimento internacionalTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso