Zanatta, Diana CasarinBernieri, Millena2024-02-282024-02-282020 qualitative resocialization processes, this research aims to develop an in-depth study on the re-socialization of inmates, verifying whether the re-socialization proposal that Brazil adopts to convicts in general, is satisfactory when applied to the segregated inmate who has good schooling and high status that is, the “white collar criminal”. Therefore, the study begins with the analysis of the penalty of deprivation of liberty, under the context of its purpose, which was obtained from the approach of theories of punishment. Then it is observed, considering that the apparent purpose of the sentence is to re-socialize the individual, the criminal responsibility of the Brazilian legal system, in the face of re-socialization and the ways to re-socialize the inmate. Finally, in view of the findings, the legislation on resocialization is compared with the profile of the white-collar criminal. At this point, it was provided the conceptualization of crimes labeled as being white collar, identifying who this criminal is, based on a critique of criminology. The study allows one to effectively answer, at least according to the references obtained if, in view of the current legislative proposal for the recovery of convicts, it is possible or not to obtain, at least theoretically, the re-socialization of the white-collar criminal. The method used for the research was inductive, qualitative, based on the legislation in force, developed by bibliographic research and available academicçãoColarinho brancoA ressocialização dos apenados: uma análise com enfoque nos crimes de colarinho brancoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso