Santos, Luciano Alves dosTomazelli, Luís Antônio2024-03-072024-03-072022 1988, the constituent legislator chose the accusatory system to guide the application of the brazilian criminal procedure. In 2019, the ordinary legislator reiterated this choice, inserting article 3-A into the Criminal Procedure Code. However, the forensic practice and the jurisprudence of the superior courts shows that the national criminal procedure has not yet adapted to this choice, remaining the application of inquisitorial institutes remaining in the aforementioned codex, which was promulgated in 1941, in the context of an authoritarian government. In this context, this work aims, at first, to establish the definition of a procedural system and to delimit the existing criminal procedural systems, as well as their origin. In a second moment, to analyze the historical evolution of the brazilian criminal procedure, from the colonial period to the present day, as well as the legislative reforms that took place in Latin America. Finally, the 2019 procedural reform was analyzed to investigate the (in)compatibility of legal provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code with the accusatory system. For that, the inductive approach method was used, with a bibliographic and documental research technique, as well as a discursive-analytic procedure penalSistema acusatórioPacote anticrimeProcesso penal brasileiro após a lei n.º 13.964/19: os reflexos da adoção do sistema acusatório à luz do Art. 3º-A do Código de Processo PenalTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso