Bula, Natalia NakadomariAvila, Lucas Tagliari de2021-02-042021-02-042020http://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/268This academic work has been made for the course of Introduction for the Final Gradutation Work in Architecture and Urbanism. It consists in presenting identified problems, theoretical bases, references and possible solutions for a student housing, located in the town of Erechim, Rio Grande do Sul. In order to offer an alternative, place where students can study and live in community. With that said, the project focus on concepts of privacy, coexistence and maturity of young person. The proposal works with the insertion of a multifunctional building at downtown area, using strategies for the awareness of collaborative and environmental responsability.pt-BRArquitetura e UrbanismoMoradia estudantilArquitetura sustentávelResidência estudantil Erechim de universitários para universitáriosMoradia estudantil : aprender, conviver, habitarTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso