Zanatta, Diana CasarinSantarém, Emanuel Valendorf2024-02-272024-02-272020 present work aims to analyze the new law of abuse of authority, Law No. 13.869/2019, dealing with how the law presented itself in its last wording, its evolution to the one in force, and finally, criticisms positive and negative from the point of view of renowned indoctrinators.These issues must address and finalize the need for an update of the legislation in relation to the abuse of authority, in view of the indispensability of the presence of appropriate norms to keep as new applications of society. Another important factor discussed in the work on the screen is the changes of great relevance brought by the new law. In this sense, in order to configure or abuse the authority, it is essential that it is proven that the abusive act is practiced harming another person or else it reduces the benefits for the author, and most of the differences in the interpretation of the facts (hermeneutics) cannot be due to itself, characterize criminal conduct. Finally, the main positive and negative criticisms of the scholars and some practical cases will be presented. The adopted method was the analytical-descriptive, through the technique of bibliographic de autoridadePolícia ostensivaAgente públicoNova lei de abuso de autoridade e seus reflexos no trabalho da polícia ostensiva brasileiraTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso