Santos, Luciano Alves dosQuadros, Lindomar Jorge de2021-04-122021-04-122019 present study aims to analyze the evolution of the Conciliation and Mediation in Brazil, as well as the challenges of Judiciary Power regarding the mechanisms of conclict resolutions in judicial scope. The characteristics of the Conciliation and Mediation in the face of the bill CPC/15, law nº 13.105/15 and the challenges estabilished before the Fundamental Norms of the Civil Procedures and the mediation law nº 13.140/2015 were analized. The structural organization of CEJUSC is also highlighed, estabilished by the resolution 125/10 of the CNJ - The National Counsil of Justice, as well as the way of counsiling developed at SISTCON - Federal Justice Reconciliation System of the 4th Region, and the CEJUSCON - Judicial Center for Conflict and Citizenship, enabling the practice of Conciliation and thus, promoting the resolution of the conflicts in a more quickly and definitively manner. The research method used was the descriptive analytical, through bibliographic search technique, as well as the analysis of existing legislation andçãoConciliaçãoConciliação e mediação como mecanismos alternativos para a resolução de conflitos: realidade da Justiça Federal da 4° RegiãoArtigo Científico