Reis, Camila Sampaio dosSchultz, Marcos Ismael2022-02-012022-02-012020 work presents the development of a monitoring system for environmental variables applied to precision agriculture. To contextualize the theme, a literature review was carried out, in order to find possible existing solutions for the proposed system. Initially, the methodology and sensors needed for the project were determined. From this, the communication system was developed using the E32-TTL-100 module together with Esp32. The data received by the microcontroller were inserted into an online database that was built and hosted using Hostinger's shared hosting service. The experimental platforms were designed and implemented, so that the proposal could be applied in a practical environment. In order to validate the results, measurements were taken over an interval of 14 days, in order to obtain consistent data regarding the developed platforms and the reliability of the data collected at the monitored location. Software such as PSIM® and PROTEUS® were used for analysis and development of circuits and communication systems, in addition to other software such as UNITY®, capable of assisting in the development of the database and user interface. The results obtained proved to be extremely promising and consistent with the expected, where the developed modules were stable and reliable, self-sufficient in terms of energy, and comprehensive in different ElétricaMonitoramento ambientalAgricultura de precisãoMicrocontroladorMonitoramento de variáveis ambientais aplicado à agricultura de precisãoTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso