Leitzke, Maura da SilvaBleil, Laura Davidonis2024-03-042024-03-042021https://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/577The present monograph approaches the invisibility of the imprisoned women in Brazil, aiming to analyze the reality experienced by them from a gender perspective and the violation of their fundamental rights and guarantees assured constitutionally and in the Law of Penal Execution. Starting from the historical evolution of prisons, as well as the models adopted in the country and how women’s prisons were created in Brazil until how they are nowadays. Besides, data regarding the growth of the feminine jail population in Brazil, according to the National Survey of Penitentiary Information and the selective nature of the penitentiary system towards the imprisoned women are pointed out. Lastly, in order to deepen the study, the reality of these prisons and the conditions that the women are submitted to will be assessed, analyzing the physical infrastructure and the rights of the prisoners that are violated due to negligence with the matter. To do so, the biographical research methodology was used in the pursuit of data and references for a better understanding and amplitude of the subject, and the legislation, especially the Federal Constitution and the Law of Penal Execution were the instruments used for the development of this work, being used the analytical-descriptive method.pt-BRDireitoEncarceramento femininoCriminalidade femininaMulheres no cárcere: uma invisibilidade tolerada pelo Estado brasileiroTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso