Santos, Luciano Alves dosTaglietti, Elisandro Elzir2024-02-272024-02-272020 study aimed to analyze the new type of labor, contract that emerged with the Labor Reform, through law 13.467/2017. For the development of this work, the method of inductive approach was used through the technique of bibliographic and documentary research, analyzing scientific articles, labor legislation and Federal Constitution of Brazil, as well as using as a method of procedure, and analytic-descriptive. The Contract Intermittent Work was inspired by the model adopted in some European Countries, such as Spain, Italy, Portugal and United Kingdom. The Intermittent Employment Contract emerged at a time of serious economic crisis and high unemployment rates, indoctrinators believe that the Intermittent Employment Contract will make labor relations more flexible, however, most of them and the jurists condemn the new modality, considering it the same unconstitutional and illegal. The process for its creation and approval is relatively quick, which demonstrates that the Unions are in disrepute in Europe, with the exception of the United Kingdom, the Unions actively participated in the detailed, it seems that the Intermittent Employment Contract is designed to in a hurry, there are innumerable gaps in its few articles, and items that fail to provide for situations that occur in the standard employment contract. Attentive and the most vulnerable workers, that would bring greater legal security for employees and employers as a way of reducing informality part of the trabalhistaContrato intermitenteAnálise das consequências da implantação do contrato de trabalho intermitente no BrasilTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso