Steffens, ClariceBastos, Gabriela de2021-02-242021-02-242020 characterization of honeys is essential as part of the techniques for enhancing the product, as it confirms a regional identity, as well as adding value to the product. The objective of the work was to determine how physical-composite characteristics of 9 honey foundations of Apis mellífera bees, from different municipalities, such as Áurea, Barão de Cotegipe, Centenário, Entre Rios do Sul, Erechim, Gaurama, Getúlio Vargas, Quatro Irmãos and Severiano de Almeida, trade in the Alto Uruguai region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. In this way, the honeys were formed in relation to pH, humidity, reducing sugars, ash, hydroxymethylfurfural and qualitative analyzes of adulterants (Lugol reaction and Lund reaction). According to the results obtained, it was found that for the pH the values were specified within the legal limits, not being obliged to carry out the analysis. For reducing sugars, some people (44.44%) are above the permitted level, which may be due to the influence of the local flora. For the analysis of ash and hydroxymethylfurfural, all dissipated within the limit allowed by law and, for free acidity, the results found were within the maximum allowed value, except for 11.11% of the A that did not fit. It is concluded that in relation to pH, ash and hydroxymethylfurfural and the Lugol reaction, the values for all analyzed, stay within the limits allowed by Brazilian legislation. For the moisture (33.33%) and reducing sugars (44.44%) showed values above what is allowed by legislation. According to the analysis of adulterants, among the honey analyzed for the Lund reaction, 44.44% showed levels below the allowed, although the other determinations fall within the limit established by the QuímicaMel de abelhaAvaliação físico-químicaLegislaçãoAvaliação da qualidade físico-químicos de méis obtidos de produtores rurais da região do Alto Uruguai-RSTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso