Mesquita, Rogério GarciaCorrea, Guilherme Augusto Pessin2024-03-042024-03-042021 society history there was different forms of revolution on people rights, however, why did this changes happened? This change comes from within it, because when people discuss the change in laws, it has to keep in mind that it is mainly about changing the values of a certain part of society. When the idea about the change of values was introduced, the analysis of one of it announcers, Nietzsche, was proposed. He introduced his thesis on the evolution of the men based on the "loss of idols", which referred to an abandonment of beliefs religious. However, this abandonment, until reaching a positive aspect, went through several obstacles, which directly affected the behavior of human beings in society. Evil that Nietzsche preferred to refer to as Nihilism. Years after the thinking introduction about the decline of the human being, a modern philosopher, Deluze, organized the Nihilism indicated by Nietzsche into four species: Negative, Positive, Passive and Active. With the organization proposed by Deluze, it was easier to identify the transformation of values and the cycle that followed it. However, what is the link between this Transvaluation said by Nietzsche and the Law? In a simple way, before moving and defining the laws of certain place, regardless of which is and its form of government, whether despot, Monarchical, Aristocratic, Representative, all forms before any change is about to be done, whether in a conservative or progressive way, it needs a change of theway of thinking, a change that came from the Nietzschean theory, from the Transvaluation. As the values change, the LawçãoGenealogiaTrasvaloração e genealogia da moral no direito: uma perspectiva NietzscheanaTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso