Sartori, Giana Lisa ZanardoBischoff, Gabriele2024-03-182024-03-182023 present study addressed the theme "Parental alienation and self-alienation and their effects on the judicial process, preserving the best interests of minors." Its objective was to present effective means of evidence to prove the practice of alienation and self-alienation in the judicial process, assisting the Judiciary and society in gathering and substantiating challenging evidence. The methodology used was bibliographic research, with an inductive approach and an analytical-descriptive procedure. The study's objectives were achieved, as it was possible to demonstrate and discuss the practice of parental alienation and self-alienation, as well as various practices similar to these, such as their fusion with false allegations of sexual abuse, mothers considered as usurpers, brainwashing, anxiety caused by parental separation, and the differentiation between PAS (Parental Alienation Syndrome) and parental alienation. Additionally, the consequences of alienation and self-alienation on minors were exposed, including the creation of false memories, as well as treatment alternatives. Above all, it was demonstrated how to act in a judicial process, including citing ways for the families of minors, lawyers, court officials, and healthcare professionals to act. The study analyzed legislation, doctrines, and judgments from Brazilian Courts of Justice in order to demonstrate parental alienation and self-alienation in practice, fulfilling all of its objectives and facilitating easy understanding and comprehension for the reader in all itsção parentalProcesso judicialOs desafios na comprovação da alienação e da autoalienação parental no processo judicial, preservando o melhor interesse dos menoresTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso