Aver, Ivana KarinePivatto, Renan Oliveira2021-08-162021-08-162021http://repositorio.uricer.edu.br/handle/35974/353It is difficult to find int the city of Erechim, RS, a place that presents a solution that can meet the needs of the population, where people can find a variety of products and services in the same space. It is a city in constant population expansion and economic development, therefore good spaces are indispensable, such as a shopping mall. For that reason, architectural projects need to respond to these increasingly demanding needs, wich mix different sectors such as commerce and services. In this context, and as a way to make both professionals and users feel attracted to these spaces, the shopping malls appear. These are not just facilities for shopping, but also for food, health and corporate spaces. However, few cities in Brazil can afford this important architectural typology. According to this reality, the city of Erechim, despite appearing in the statistics as a city in growing population expansion, does not yet have a shopping mall to leverage the city's name as a reference in commerce, and service provision. Thus, the objective of this work is to propose, at the level of architectural design, a shopping mall, for the city of Erehcim. This research will use a qualitative methodology and as for the nature of the research, it will be propositive, to generate knowledge for application, directed to the solution of specific problems. The results show that shopping malls increase the diversity of opportunities, in addition to improving the quality of life of users through the activities and facilities offered, the coexistence and socialization between professionals and users and mainly through a commercial architecture, technological, affective, functional and sustainable.pt-BRArquitetura e UrbanismoArquitetura comercialCentro comercialShopping Center José Pohl: para a cidade de Erechim-RSTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso